Feeding Sign

Bear “nests” are clusters of broken branches from feeding and are not where bears rest.  They are made when a bear sits in a crotch of the tree and pulls branches closer to eat catkins, buds, leaves, fruit, or nuts.

Bear Feeding Sign:

Feeding on Red Oak Acorns Broken branches beneath trees that produce bear foods. Bears climb up and bite branches off and drop them or carry them down. Look for claw and tooth marks on the branches and the tree trunks.
Cub Feeding on Juneberries Broken branches on small trees that produce bear foods. In northeastern Minnesota, look for places bears were eating willow catkins, mountain-ash berries, juneberries, cherries, and wild plums. Bears pull the branches down, and some of them break.
Feeding on Autumn Olive Disheveled food producing bushes, often with bear paths winding among them. In northeastern Minnesota, check patches of hazelnut, dogwood, highbush cranberry, and wild plum bushes, among others.
yearling_lifting_rock.jpg Rocks turned over to get ant pupae and larvae.
Feeding on Ant Pupae Logs and stumps torn open to reach ant colonies or grubs.
Feeding on June Beetle Larvae Torn up sod to find june beetle grubs.
Feeding on Acorns Leaves raked to get fallen nuts and acorns.Leaves raked to get fallen nuts and acorns.
Feeding Clover Clipped vegetation. In northeastern Minnesota, check grass beside forest roads or in ash swamps. Check roadside clover and dandelions and a variety of other plants bears eat in season.
Feeding Cattail Torn up aquatic plants where bears ate cattails, water-parsnip roots, or wild calla.




Black Bear Sign (article list)

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